Claim Your Blessings

James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.    (NKJV)

Man is a precious creation of God.
God cares for man more than anything else that He has created.
So God is ready to bless man abundantly with all the blessings of Heaven.
God rejoices in a blessed man.

But Heaven gives nothing freely.
Everything in Heaven has a price tag.
Even Salvation is not a free gift from Heaven

This may be new news for you.
So please continue to read.

Salvation has a price in Heaven; it is not freely given from Heaven.
Salvation bears the highest price tag in Heaven
It demands life blood as its price.
Not just the life blood of any living being will do
Salvation demands innocent life blood as the exchange price.

The equal price for the exchange of salvation is blood without sin.
Heaven demands incorruptible blood for an incorruptible product.
Salvation is for eternal life, it is incorruptible.
It demands an incorruptible price – the incorruptible innocent life blood.

This is the greatest price a product can demand.

And so no man could pay the price.
Because man always has a sinful nature
Blood of animal was not a sufficient price
So God Himself came down to earth as a human being
His name is Jesus

Jesus lived on this earth without sin and offered His innocent blood as a price for salvation.
Jesus paid the price, once and for all.
Now anyone who claims salvation in the name of Jesus can obtain it from Heaven.

Originally salvation is not a free gift from Heaven.
We receive salvation free of all cost because someone else has paid the price for it, for us and all, once and for ever.

None who claim not in Jesus name can get salvation from Heaven.
If salvation was totally free, all in this world could get it by simply claiming it.
Legally, salvation is free for all human beings, but with certain terms and conditions stipulated by Heaven.

These terms and conditions are important and applicable to all dealings with Heaven.
All claims to the blessings of Heaven are also settled according to these terms and conditions.

Still, to our comfort, Heaven has very simple terms and conditions.
God knows that man cannot fulfill any heavy and complicated terms
So God has simplified it as simple as it can be.

Heaven demands only one thing:

Belief in Jesus

It is that much simple.
For a belief in Jesus, you need no:


There are no financial commitments.
Any human being from any race, country or language is permitted to believe in Jesus
Jesus is for all human beings of all ages.

Heavenly blessings has an apparently different terms and conditions.
All Heavenly blessings are free for all human beings with only one condition.
The claimant must be a blood relative to Jesus.
Because everything in Heaven is purchased by Jesus paying an equivalent price with His blood.
After the purchase is done, Jesus has entrusted Heaven to give them freely to all who ask for it with the single condition that they must be a blood relative to Him.

How can a human being become a blood relative to Jesus, who is God Himself?

That is the beauty of Heaven.
Heaven always wished to be related to man.
But man divorced himself with Heaven by committing sin and thus revolting against the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus came to the world to restore the relationship between God and man.
Jesus paid the price for it by shedding his innocent blood.
He reconciled God with man.
Colossians 2:13, 14 
13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses,
 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

How did Jesus do it?
By offering Himself as a blood sacrifice on the cross.
Jesus died and shed His blood for the atonement of our sins
Through the atonement for our sins, offered by Jesus, we are once again reconciled with God and Heaven.
Jesus died for all people in this world.
That means, the reconciliation has been done for all people.
The atonement is done, the price paid.
Through His death we are saved.

Still, salvation stands as a legal offer to all human being.
Though the work is done once and for ever, each individual has to take his part in it.
The legal offer of salvation is experienced only by those who believe in Jesus.

What should we believe?
You should believe and confess with your mouth what you believe that:

·        Jesus died as atonement for your sins.
·        By the blood of Jesus, offered as an equal price, you have salvation
·        Accept Jesus as the Lord of your life.

It is that much simple and easy.
We need not wrestle with any complicated theology
Just believe in the death, resurrection and the priesthood of Jesus.

The wonderful thing about this is that:
By believing in Jesus you become a blood relative of Jesus.
All those who believe that the blood of Jesus was offered as an atonement for their sins become a blood relative of Jesus.
Through the blood of Jesus we are entering into a blood relationship.

That is great.

All those who are a blood relative of Jesus has a right to claim all blessings in Heaven.
Heaven cannot deny any blessing to them.


But before handing over the blessings, Heaven makes verification about the relationship with Jesus.
It is simply this:

Is the relation still valid?

Heaven is very particular that we should have a valid relationship.
That means we have not walked out of the relationship.

We enter into the relationship through the blood of Jesus.
We have the freedom to continue in the relationship or to divorce ourselves from the relationship.
The doors are open to enter; the doors are not shut to exit.
Those who find the relationship a blessing, they stay there.

Still some others are lured by the false attractions offered by the enemy of Jesus.
Satan is His enemy.
Satan uses many tactics to lure away people from the relationship with Jesus.
Those who resist the devil will stay with Jesus.

So the question of the validity of the relationship is important.
Heaven’s blessings are not to be wasted among strangers.
It is for the co inheritors of Jesus.
Jesus paid the price for it all.

If we can prove that we still have a valid blood relationship with Jesus, all Heavenly blessings are ours.
Just claim it and enjoy it.

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