God’s provision in creation story

 (All Bible verse quoted are from NKJV, if not otherwise mentioned).


Genesis 1 and 2


The creation story narrated in the book of Genesis is fundamental to Christian belief. It tells us that the whole universe was created by God. When God created the universe, no one witnessed it other than himself. So only God can describe how he created them. He created everything, as he has described in Genesis 1 and 2.


Genesis chapters 1 and 2 in the Bible are two narratives about the creation of the earth, the non-living things and living beings on it. The first narration continues to the first three verses of the second chapter. That means Genesis 1:1–2:3 is the first narration. The second narration starts only with Genesis 2:4. This is not an error by the original writer, but happened when the chapter division was done later by a redactor. Originally, no book in the Bible was written by any author with chapter or verse divisions. Chapter divisions were done in the 13th century, and verse divisions were done in the 16th century. These divisions are not fault-proof.