When you meet
a real soldier next time, ask him whether he likes war time or peace time.
My experience
is that, he will answer that he likes war time.
War is a time
of action and peace is a time of idleness.
No soldier
wish to get wounded or killed in war, but he dislikes peace time.
Soldiers may
not wish for war, but real soldiers like war, because it is a time of action.
believers like war. We have fight, a war to win. We are in a war.
But our war
is different from the wars between nations on this earth.
Our weapons
in the war and our intention of the war are also different.
In truth, the
war of a born again Christian believer is already fought and won; the victory
is declared.
We are now
only effecting or implementing the victory.
This is the
core thought of this message.